This thriller featuring Japanese folklore will unleash later this Spring PM Studios and Endflame are going to invade your dreams on March 29th...
Chasing Static, the retro psychological horror game from the twisted minds of developer Headware Games and publisher Ratalaika Games S.L., brings haunting revelations to Steam for...
VLG Publishing (a label owned by award-winning video game publisher, Leonardo Interactive) and developer Studio V are thrilled to announce...
Indie publisher Katnappe and developer Genius Slackers have announced that high-school horror, What Happened, is available now for PC via...
Infliction: Extended Cut, the psychological horror game from developer Caustic Reality and publisher Blowfish Studios exploring the darkness haunting the remnants of a suburban...
CBE Software listens to customer feedback and improves their game by removing content in favor of player experience CBE Software...
Super Sexy Software and Deck13 Spotlight are proud to announce the release date for their psychological thriller “The Shattering”. The...
Infliction: Extended Cut, the psychological horror game from Caustic Reality and Blowfish Studios exploring the darkness haunting the remnants of a suburban family, strikes...
Controller Support Arrives to Green Hell Today Creepy Jar are excited to announce they've implemented one of Green Hell's most...
Red alert, Troubleshooters! Traitors have infiltrated Alpha Complex and stolen some of the game code for Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory....