Dominate your enemies and raise an army from their corpses in this challenging new game from Daedalic Entertainment and Unfrozen...
Gameforge — the leading Western publisher of popular multiplayer online games, including AION, Elsword, Guardians of Ember, OGame, SoulWorker, and TERA — today released a...
Rooster Teeth Games revealed this past weekend at Comic-Con International: San Diego that Vicious Circle will launch on Aug. 13, 2019, on...
The biggest ever expansion for Moonlighter, the critically acclaimed shopkeeping RPG from 11 bit studios and Digital Sun, which recently reached...
Over the Top Games is excited to announce that their new platformer Million to One Hero is jumping out of...
Behold Studio and Plug In Digital are proud to announce the release of the acclaimed Chroma Squad on Nintendo Switch™ starting on August 1st. Preorders are already...
Fellow Traveller and Paranoid Productions are proud to announce their tale of choice and indoctrination, The Church in the Darkness, will be launching August 2,...
Grab your guns, load up on...milk...and get ready to rock! Hell’s Bells! Satan’s domain is going to get scorching hot...
Sometimes, you just wanna (virtually) blow things up — and that’s exactly what you’ll do in the aptly named Battle Planet –...
Armor Games Studios and indie developer SoulGame Studio have released the combat-driven RPG Swords & Souls: Neverseen on Steam, and the Humble Store for Windows PC...