Worlds Collide as Final Fantasy XI Collaboration Comes to Final Fantasy XIV
2 min read
Help the Harbor Herald and get Exclusive Gear until June 22
The Maiden’s Rhapsody: Memories of an Unseen Realm collaboration event returns to the land of Eorzea today, bringing the worlds of FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online and FINAL FANTASY XI Online together for a limited time.
From today until June 22, FINAL FANTASY XIV Online players taking part in the The Maiden’s Rhapsody: Memories of an Unseen Realm in-game event will be tasked with aiding Remumu, a reporter for the Harbor Herald hot on the heels of her latest story, who needs the help of a brave adventurer to ensure her safety while investigating. Players who participate in this event will be able to unlock the exclusive Amatsu armor set, worn by FINAL FANTASY XI Online heroine, Iroha.
The full armor set consists of:
- Amatsu Hachigane
- Amatsu Togi
- Amatsu Tekko
- Amatsu Haidate
- Amatsu Sune-ate
Players can kick off their participation in the event by travelling to the Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks and speaking to Remumu to begin the quest A Journey to Remember. Please note any players that have previously completed the content will be unable to do so again.
More information is available at: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.
Players eager for more FINAL FANTASY XIV adventures can look forward to the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festivals coming to North America, Japan and Europe in 2020 and 2021.
Fans are also invited to watch all seven episodes of ‘The Creation of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers’ series. The series provides an in-depth look at various parts of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s development, including several key developers sharing behind-the-scenes insight on how they create the wildly successful MMORPG. The complete series is available to watch on YouTube here:
Players new to FINAL FANTASY XIV Online are invited to download a free trial to access content up to level 35, create up to eight playable characters and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime. New players who wish to experience the free trial may register here: