March 16, 2025

Gameology News

Know Your Games

The impossible becomes possible in this brand-new, free Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair content update – out now!

1 min read

Team17 and Playtonic Games have today launched a brand new, free content update to the critically acclaimed Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair!

The new update features: 

The Impossible Lair 
No ‘Bee Shield’, no checkpoints. The “Golden Try” tonic can now be earned through this version of the Lair, without the need to restart the save.

The Not So Impossible Lair 
Each section of the Lair now ends with a checkpoint. Checkpoints save your best “bee shield” score. You can select which checkpoint you start from, and your highest bee shield score will always be saved. E.g., you previously cleared a section with 10 bees remaining. You select the checkpoint and clear it with 12 bees remaining. Your bee progress stays saved, so you have more bees for later sections.

8-bit soundtrack 
Players can now choose to hear the 2D level music in 8-bit chiptune, thanks to the work of Tatertottunes. This option can be found in the menu.