“Super Cane Magic ZERO” // Switch DLC info
1 min read
Intragames Co. Ltd has revealed the North American and European pre-order and launch month promotions on Nintendo Switch for couch co-op, action arcade RPG Super Cane Magic ZERO, developed by Italian YouTube comic artist cartoonist Simone “Sio” Albrigi and Studio Evil.
Purchase Super Cane Magic ZERO on Nintendo Switch during launch month and receive the Secret Bonus Content DLC, unlocking two exclusive items and a stellar PvP arena! Also, pre-order and save with an additional 10% discount off of the North American digital store price.
SCMZ Switch Pre-order Promotion (NA only)
Super Cane Magic ZERO: Secret Bonus Content (DLC) + 10% discount
Promotion runs from May 16 to May 29.
SCMZ Switch Release Promotion (NA and EU)
Super Cane Magic ZERO: Secret Bonus Content (DLC).
Promotion runs from May 30 to June 30.
About the Secret Bonus Content DLC
Poptarts packs more secrets than ever: this pre-order bonus will power up mysterious mechanisms below the Academy. Activating the strange lever hidden in the dark Underground Archives will spawn exclusive chests and loot! You will also get a limited one-way ticket to the other side of the moon: prepare your bombs (and your knees) to challenge your friends in the cheese-flavored “Bouncy Bombers” PvP Arena. Springs, potions, jumps and explosions!
Super Cane Magic Zero will be available in North America, Europe and Australia* on Nintendo Switch, Steam, and PlayStation 4 digital services from May 30, 2019.
* The game will be available in Asia in Q3.