‘Rising Lords’ Medieval Turn-Based Strategy Game, Coming to Early Access on May 27
2 min read
A game of wits and quick thinking will take players on a journey through the realm
German game development studio Argonwood has revealed its tactical medieval strategy game Rising Lords will be available for Early Access on PC via Steam on May, 27th 2020.
Rising Lords puts gaming minds to the test through turn-based elements that implement card and board game-based mechanics with classic action sequences.
As a lord or lady in the medieval realm, players are given full control to rise their territories and lead serf armies. Players are allowed to collect taxes and resources from their constituents, dictate food rations and field work for their workers, forge weapons for war, reshape the battlefield, raise armies, and build mighty fortified cities. With free will decision-making mechanics, players can give their people knighthood or dump them on a battlefield far away. Though be warned, even the most humble peasants can revolt.
“We have a blend of the most prolific aspects of strategy games, digital board games, and deck-based card games to create incredibly deep gameplay for our players,” said Chris Fernholz, founder of Argonwood. “With a dedicated single player campaign and robust multiplayer functionality, Rising Lords brings a modern approach to some of the all-time classic strategy games.”
Rising Lords’ multiplayer aspects include various modes for quick games when players want something short or long evening types of games where they can reach deep parts of the game to the peaks of the night. With simultaneous gameplay capabilities, up to four players can make their move at once while engaging in a time of feudal nobility.
A full list of features include:
- Striking the perfect balance – Play with juggle production, resource gathering, diplomacy and treason, tax and rations – all vital in being a successful lord
- Strategic battles – Besiege enemy cities to starve them out, go all-out attack, or wait for them to come
- Simultaneous multiplayer – Up to four players can make moves at once so there’s no need to wait for each individual player to take their turn
- The psychology of war – Play mind games with opponents by robbing or insulting them
- Subtle variables – Morale, terrain and fortifications have a huge impact on battle and the tide can turn quickly
- Customization – Tailor a leader’s look or skills and craft the perfect cities and troops
- Risks and opportunities – React to figures that visit the province. Find ways to take advantage, and work quickly to eliminate threats
- Take a pick – React to many different events and collect unique cards to surprise the enemy
For more information on Rising Lords, please visit the Steam page at