Petroglyph Explains Why “Conan Unconquered’s” Co-Op Mode Will Have You Hooked
2 min read
With only a few more days to go until launch, Petroglyph and Funcom have now released a new video, featuring interviews with the Command & Conquer-veterans at Petroglyph and a further glimpse into the co-op aspect of Conan Unconquered.
While most comparable RTS games are purely single-player or 1v1, the development team behind Conan Unconquered were faced with a new challenge; namely, producing a game that works equally well in co-op mode.
“We’re trying to make it as cooperative an experience as possible,” explains Executive Producer Ted Morris who, in addition to working on Command & Conquer, can boast of having been the Development Director on the critically acclaimed RTS Star Wars: Empire at War.
In co-op mode each player will have their own hero and army, but they will share resources and most of the buildings. “Where the challenge comes in, is in trying to coordinate the fight with more challenging mobs,” says Senior Game Designer Patrick Pannullo, adding that it is not simply going to be about double the number of enemies. Instead, the increased difficulty will mainly be about what kind of mobs you face and where the attacks will come from.
The upcoming game will also feature a previously unannounced mechanism called challenge mode, which allows you to create and share a link with the exact same map, settings, and unlockable feats as in the game you just had. This allows you to challenge your friends to beat your own score in a much more comparable way than it would have been with randomized battle. Each link will also come with its own leaderboard.
The new feature should be particularly welcome news for streamers, who can challenge their own fan base to beat their score on the exact same map as they played on stream.