Mega Action Platformer ’30XX’ Lands on Steam Early Access Today
2 min read
30XX, the new Megaroguelike action platformer from Batterystaple Games, dashes onto Steam Early Access today for Windows PC.

Batterystaple returns to Steam Early Access following the success of 20XX, which sold more than 200,000 copies and was named one of Valve’s Top Early Access Graduates of 2017. Bolstered by that experience, 30XX debuts with a growing stockpile of content for the community to jump into and help shape as the game advances toward its 1.0 release.
Equipped with a range of game types to enjoy, 30XX arrives with the roguelike Arcade Mode and permadeath-free Mega Mode campaigns that can be tackled solo or in co-op both locally and online. There’s also the Maker Mode to explore. Empowering fans with the same tools used to develop the game, this stage editor allows anyone to create custom obstacle courses using every level theme in 30XX and share their handiwork with the world.
30XX launches with six stages for its heroes to run, leap, slash, and dash across in style. Harness Nina’s dynamic Power Fusion system or Ace’s versatile Techniques to master the challenges posed by Penumbra’s projectile-reflecting surfaces, the timing-based puzzles of Clockzone, and everything in between. Take down mighty robot bosses to unlock distinct new abilities for each protagonist to mix into their arsenals and wield in the fights ahead.
No matter the battlefield, the thirty-first-century experience shines with stunning hi-bit pixel art from Rogue Legacy and Chasm art director Glauber Kotaki. Meanwhile, an original soundtrack from returning 20XX composer Brandon Ellis propels it forward with pulse-pounding chiptunes.
“Early Access is an amazing way for us to take the community behind the scenes and let our fans leave their fingerprints on the final experience,” said Chris King, founder, Batterystaple. “Players had an indelible impact on making 20XX the success it is today. The team has upped our game this time around in every way imaginable, and we look forward to where this process takes us now that 30XX is out in the wild on Steam Early Access.”
30XX is available on Steam Early Access for $19.99 with English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese language support. The 30XX soundtrack is also available to purchase for $9.99.