March 14, 2025

Gameology News

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‘Into the Radius’ Milestone Update 4 Brings Pivotal New Gameplay Features and Improvements

2 min read

Milestone Update 4, released on January 30th brings new gameplay features, performance improvement, and a rebalanced economy to one of VR’s premier experiences.

The Early Access version of Into the Radius will be receiving a major, content-rich update on January 30th. As part of CM Game’s roadmap leading up to Into the Radius’ full launch, Milestone Update 4 brings with it many new gameplay features and improvements, as well as new art, animations, collectibles, and a major rebalance to the shop and loot system. The full list of improvements and refinements can be found below.

The Steam version of Into the Radius will also be receiving a 10% discount alongside Milestone Update 4’s release on January 30th. This will give new players a chance to explore the mysterious Pechorsk Radius in the zone for $26.99.

What’s new in Milestone Update 4:
  • Mission map improvements, and a more accurate paper map that marks significant landscape features.
  • Improved tactical vest where inventory slots can now accept multiple item types. Mag holsters will now magnet the mag if dropped close enough and the side pouch looks and works more in line with the backpack.
  • Improved tutorial.
  • Shop prices, gameplay balance, and loot have been tweaked to be more fun. The game will start off with easier versions of fragment monsters, rusted weapons, and equipment to find and loot, along with bigger payouts for artifacts in the shop.
  • Added 20+ different cassette tapes hidden all over the game map.
  • Player base and shop look and feel improvements.
  • New backpack model and animations.
  • New art for the knife, new art and improved lighting for the flashlight.
  • Improved the player’s body, stopping it from getting in the way when the player is crouching or playing seated.
  • Fixed bugs in item repair, and with item loss in some cases of death in anomalies.
  • Performance improvements with more options to tune performance and visual quality.