‘Green Hell’ Celebrates the Journey So Far in the Push to 1.0 in New Trailer
2 min read
Green Hell launched into Early Access on Aug. 29, 2018, and Creepy Jar is immensely proud of how far the game has come since then. As they prepare to launch into full release in just a week’s time on Sept. 5, they take a look back at all the massive updates along the way with a little tease of what’s in store for Story Mode with their new trailer, The Journey So Far.
Since launch, Green Hell has seen four huge updates as part of their Road Map to 1.0. Each update brought a wealth of new content to the survival simulator that places players in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Learning from each update by listening intently to their community, Creepy Jar aimed to consistently improve the game. Taking a look at the journey from then until now, look below to see just how much content arrived with each update, and what to expect for 1.0.
- ANIMAL UPDATE – OCT. 10, 2018 – New animals, plants and herbs, camp constructions, and modular shelters highlighted the first big update on the Green Hell road map.
- WATER UPDATE – DEC. 6, 2018 – Green Hell invited players to go swimming with the fishes in the second update which not only saw the addition of even more animals, traps, and gameplay mechanics but also saw the game’s first entirely new map area.
- COMBAT UPDATE – FEB. 6, 2019 – The most dangerous update on the road map saw new human enemies join the fray, but Creepy Jar wasn’t about to leave players defenseless. Also added to the game in this update were new weapons, an armor crafting system, and even more ways to trap your enemies.
- MUD UPDATE – APR 1, 2019 – The final update before the push to 1.0 saw the addition of mud-based structures to the game. Players were now able to fit their camp with a number of useful constructions and also saw new weapons, armor, and even a hygiene system.
- STORY MODE – SEPT 5, 2019 – Saving the best for last, the 1.0 release adds the much-hyped Story Mode to the game. Players will be pushed to the brink of their own sanity as they take on a dangerous rescue mission in an effort to find their lost love, Mia. Also coming in this update are another huge map expansion, more new animals and plants including the psychosis-inducing Psychotria Viridis, and new graphics and difficulty options.
Green Hell is now available on Steam Early Access at a list price of $19.99 USD and will launch into 1.0 on Sept. 5, 2019