For the First Time Ever, Professor Oak Can Battle as a Pokémon Trainer in ‘Pokémon Masters’
2 min read
DeNA Co., Ltd., in partnership with The Pokémon Company, has announced that for the first time ever in Pokémon games, Professor Oak will join the battle as a Pokémon Trainer. Accompanied by his partner, the mythical Pokémon Mew, these characters will be distributed to all players that have logged into the game and completed the tutorial before March 15 at 10:59PM Pacific time. Pokémon Masters, a real-time battling and strategy game, can be downloaded on compatible iOS and Android devices.
After receiving Professor Oak & Mew, players that have completed Chapter 2 of the Main Story can upgrade this sync pair by completing “Professor Oak & Mew Special Missions.” These missions are available now
DeNA also announced that the Steel-type sync pair of Steven & Metagross has been added to the game. Players can learn more about Steven, the champion of the Hoenn region, in the in-game story event titled “The Strongest There Is,” available to play now until March 15 at 10:59PM Pacific time for those that have completed Chapter 1 of the Main Story. Steven will also be available to obtain in the “Steven Spotlight Poké Fair Scout.” A unique feature of this sync pair, shared only by a few others such as Korrina & Lucario, Blue & Pidgeot, and Agatha & Gengar, is that Metagross transforms into its Mega Metagross form after executing a sync move.
To celebrate these exciting new updates and six months since the game’s launch, players that log in
Players can check the in-game menus for more information. Note that in-game event dates are subject to change without notice.
Pokémon Masters is a free-to-start game with in-app purchases on compatible Android and iOS devices and can be downloaded at the links below:
- Google Play (Android): https://play. id=com.dena.a12026418 - App Store (iOS):