Developed by Joey Drew Studios, Bendy and the Ink Machine begins in the far days past of animation and ends in a very...
Even More News Having won over 200 awards (including a 2018 BAFTA) across three platforms, and selling more than two million copies,...
The Apocalypse is near. But what is the story behind the four horsemen? Watch the Intro to find out.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo began in May 1995, marking this year as the 25th annual E3 convention. Gamers around the...
Nintendo Direct 11/1/18 gave fans of the Super Smash Bros. series one last glimpse into what awaits us on 12/7/18 when Super Smash...
Nintendo is hosting an event across multiple malls and shopping centers to allow everyone, adults and kids, the opportunity... Last month we had Halloween, next month we will have New Year's Eve - and this month? The Apocalypse....
( By way of a simple picture on Instagram and Twitter, Adi Shankar and Bootleg Universe have announced their next...
Outstanding news for Command & Conquer fans! EA has officially announced that they are going to the beginning with their...