AHOY! Stranded Sails Demo, Dev Overview, and Pre-Orders Have All Washed Ashore!
2 min read
Deep dive into the open-world adventure of Stranded Sails ahead of the October 17th release with a new video from the Lemonbomb
Entertainment team and free standalone prologue to the community! Pre-Orders are now also LIVE on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch!
With the release date of open-world pirate adventure Stranded Sails boarding onto PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC on October 17th, the developers over at Lemonbomb Entertainment have provided a deep dive into the the game with a brand new video to give you a better understanding of what life will be like as an adventurer on October 17th!
To mark the occasion, pre-orders are now LIVE on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One with a 15% discount along with the release of a brand-new prologue for the game available now to newsletter subscribers!
With an abundance of treasure and mystery ahead, Stranded Sails gears up to provide a diverse combination of different systems from farming and crafting to cooking and fishing! Incorporating story driven quests which have you beginning your journey stranded on a mysteries island, get ready to venture forth by foot or boat to explore and find the rest of your crew, and eventually build a new ship to escape when the title hit shores on consoles and PC this October 17th!
Key Features
- Experience an open-world adventure full of story driven-quests
- Farm and cook to survive!
- Manage the creation and expansion of your crew’s camp
- Explore a diverse array of different islands by foot or boat
- Fight against supernatural dangers and solve the mysteries of the cursed islands!
A link to the free prologue can be found here – https://stranded-sails.
Stranded Sails will be available to purchase on the PSN Store, Nintendo eShop and Microsoft Store on October 17th priced at £19,99 / $24,99 / €24,99.
Pre-Orders will be open via the Nintendo eShop on October 10th with a 15% discount which runs from October 10th to October 30th. Xbox One pre-orders will also be open from October 10th with a 15% discount. This discount of 15% will run through launch on October 17th and ending on midnight on 30th October.