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“A Plague Tale: Innocence” Launches May 14 – Third and Final Episode of Webseries Available Now

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A Plague Tale: Innocence – third and final episode of webseries exposes you to the deadly rat plague

Asobo Studio takes us one last time behind the scenes of A Plague Tale: Innocence, their new own-IP title scheduled for release on May 14 of this year. Once again, discover more about the forging of this incredible game by a no-less incredible team, with the webseries’ third episode, Children of the Plague, available now.

With the first and second episodes introducing you to the characters and the unforgiving world they share,Children of the Plague focuses on their nemeses: the unnatural rat plague that swarms across medieval France and the Inquisition relentlessly hunting Hugo and his sister Amicia.

Death and disease follow in the wake of the plague rats, and not one person – clergy, persecutor, royalty, or peasant – is safe. While for Asobo rats were second to the main characters and the narrative focus, they became an integral part to the game’s structure and a core part of the experience, influencing every aspects of the design. The inquisition has begun to fight back, and their equipment is specific for stopping the plague, using light and armour to keep the rats at bay.

Learn much more about both foes in this episode, Children of the Plague. The full webseries is now available.

A Plague Tale: Innocence releases May 14, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

About A Plague Tale: Innocence

Developed on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC by Asobo Studio, A Plague Tale: Innocence will offer an adventure supported by an original scenario, with gameplay that blends action, adventure, and stealth phases. Follow our protagonists, Amicia and her little brother Hugo, both orphans and on the run from the terrifying Inquisition. Our young heroes will also need to survive against an even greater danger: supernatural swarms of rats that appeared with the great plague infecting across cities and countryside.

  • An original story featuring two young orphans on the run from the Inquisition
  • A gameplay that blends action, adventure and stealth phases.
  • Survive against a great danger: supernatural swarms of rats that appeared with the great plague

A Plague Tale: Innocence – Webseries’ Episode Two Takes You Through the Darkest Hours of History

A Plague Tale: Innocence, the new own-IP title from Asobo Studio, will release May 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Asobo Studio invites you once more to discover the creative process behind their upcoming game, A Plague Tale: Innocence. With this webseries,Focus Home Interactive highlights the work of this incredible French team – the second episode, Dark Ages, is available now.

After a first episode which mainly focused on the young sibling protagonists Amicia and Hugo, Episode 2: Dark Ages takes us to the Middle Ages. Discover the process that went into forging a grounded, realistic world, set in one of the darkest hours of human history.

The creative team at Asobo explains their inspiration for the world they built – from visiting real French villages whose layouts, streets and buildings find their roots in medieval times, to taking cues from famous painters to craft the game’s naturalistic lighting. The carefully crafted world serves to enrich the story and the characters, and contributes to creating this moving, emotional experience.

Dark Ages, the second episode of the webseries, is available to watch today. Stay tuned for the third episode, available Thursday next week.

A Plague Tale: Innocence releases May 14, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

About A Plague Tale: Innocence

Developed on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC by Asobo Studio, A Plague Tale: Innocence will offer an adventure supported by an original scenario, with gameplay that blends action, adventure, and stealth phases. Follow our protagonists, Amicia and her little brother Hugo, both orphans and on the run from the terrifying Inquisition. Our young heroes will also need to survive against an even greater danger: supernatural swarms of rats that appeared with the great plague infecting across cities and countryside.

  • An original story featuring two young orphans on the run from the Inquisition
  • A gameplay that blends action, adventure and stealth phases. 
  • Survive against a great danger: supernatural swarms of rats that appeared with the great plague


A Plague Tale: Innocence releases May 14 – new webseries takes you behind the scenes starting today with Episode 1: Roots of Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence is the new own-IP title from Asobo Studio, with a newly-announced release date of May 14, 2019. The Asobo devs are game development veterans who have honed their craft on some of the industry’s biggest projects, and now forge new ground with their own original story of Amicia, Hugo, and the Black Death. Focus Home Interactive will highlight the work of this incredible French team in a new behind-the-scenes webseries, the first episode of which, Roots of Innocence, is available now.

The first episode focuses on Amicia and Hugo, the two main characters of A Plague Tale: Innocence, and their relationship. These children encounter 14th century France in a similar way to the player, an unknown and dangerous place that they barely understand but must survive. As the realities of the world of adults press down on them, their familial love will be tested as they work together to overcome challenges from the rat plague and pursuing Inquisition alike.

This episode also introduces you to Charlotte McBurney and Logan Hannan, the young actors who provide voices for Amicia and Hugo. Both are immensely talented and have their own approach to and opinions of these realistic, troubled characters. As your constant companions through the adventure, their work is as vital as anyone’s to creating a moving, emotional experience that will stick with you long past the first playthrough.

A Plague Tale: Innocence releases May 14, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.